We share some images of the conference promoted by the International Research Network of Postcolonial Print Cultures, that gathered researchers of this network and some guests, including Adelaide Vieira Machado and Sandra Ataíde Lobo in representation of the IGSCP-PE. The aims and the program of the event are available at the website of the IRNPPC. Congratulations to Laetitia Zecchini for the organization of this meeting that allowed to discuss cultures of print in colonial and postcolonial contexts, framed by practices of censorship and acts of resistance.
The 2023-2024 Webinar Cycle aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on a monthly basis and open to the general audience. The 10th and last session of 2023-2024 cycle will happen on Friday, the 12th of July, with Helder Garmes (USP/CNPq) presenting on his research O problema das designações da literatura presente nas publicações periódicas de Goa: da Luz do Oriente (1907-1920) a O Académico (1940-1943).
Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The 9th session will happen on Wednesday, the 12th of June 2024, at 2.30 pm (Lisbon time) with Alexandra Reza (University of Bristol) as a guest speaker. She will talk about her book Anticolonial Form: Literary Journals at the End of Empire (Oxford University Press, 2024). Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 As a contribution to the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the 25th of April and the democracy associated with it, the Centro de Documentação 25 de Abril of the Universidade de Coimbra hosts the International Congress The Press of Exile(s) on October 10 and 11, 2024, as part of the initiatives of the International Group for Studies of the Colonial Periodical Press of the Portuguese Empire (IGSCP-PE). This initiative is also supported by other partners of this network and organizations that welcomed the idea, starting from CHAM – Centro de Humanidades of NOVA-FCSH, the Fundação Mário Soares e Maria Barroso, the Laboratoire d'Etudes Romanes (LER) of the Université de Paris 8 Vincennes Saint-Denis, the Biblioteca Nacional de Angola, the Arquivo de História Social of the ICS-Universidade de Lisboa, and the group ECOS-Exílios, contrariar o silêncio of CRIA- Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia. The anti-colonial press and the press of the exile, in an attempt to understand both their political role and their intellectual impact, as well as the networks they reflected and mobilized, have deserved increasing multidisciplinary attention, especially with regard to the 20th century. Concerning those networks, it is worth mentioning the research that has been carried out on the transnational and transimperial confluences of exiled people and other migrants (such as students, writers, artists) towards metropolises marked by democratizing and avant-garde effervescence, such as London, Paris or Berlin after World War I, as well as their connection to the proliferation of newspapers, magazines, bulletins, pamphlets that fed (inter)nationalist militancy and linked debates and struggles. | + info
Proposals should include an abstract of up to 300 words and a biographical note of up to 150 words for each author. Languages of the congress: Portuguese, English, French. Email for submissions - [email protected]m Click here to edit. Ecos de Londres (2024) e A importância de Ser Português (2019) are respectively the result of the Master's and Doctorate thesis, in the field of history of ideas, of Adelaide Vieira Machado, dedicated to the newspaper O Investigador Português em Inglaterra (1811-1819), published at the beginings of journalism and opinion press.
The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The 8th session will happen on Thursday, the 23rd of May 2024, with Olga Iglésias (IHC) as a guest speaker. She will talk about her research on Rui de Noronha na imprensa africana de Moçambique (1926-1943). Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The 7th session will happen on Thursday, the 2nd of May 2024, with Susana Sardo (Universidade de Aveiro) as a guest speaker. She will talk about her research on Rádio em papel: o Boletim da Emissora de Goa (1952-1953) e a revista Rádio Clube de Moçambique (1935-1973) como extensões das políticas coloniais. Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 Editors: Noemi Alfieri (CHAM, NOVA FCSH-UAc; Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, U. Bayreuth), Cassandra Mark-Thiesen (Africa Multiple Cluster of Excellence, U. Bayreuth)
The history of knowledge production in Africa is a rising topic in the backdrop of growing awareness of the uneven globalization of intellectual thought. Focusing on the era of decolonization in Africa, a growing number of scholars are especially exploring historiography as read in periodicals such as pamphlets, magazines, journals or newspapers (Mark-Thiesen, Alfieri, Thioub, Coquerey-Vidrovitch and others). They provide important impetus for understanding the link between media and emancipation, political democracy, freedom of choice, self-awareness, and selective associationpraticasdahistoria.pt/digital-retrospectives-historiography-africa Editors: João Pedro Lourenço (Instituto Superior de Ciências da Educação de Luanda), Maria da Conceição Neto (Universidade Agostinho Neto)
The extraordinary advances in historiography on Africa and in Africa in the 60s and 70s of the twentieth century, running parallel to the contestation and end of colonial empires, were not accompanied by an equivalent pace of transformation in the teaching of history in African countries, in terms of theories, methods and organization of content to be transmitted. Deadline 31 July. praticasdahistoria.pt/history-memory-epistemological-reinterpretation-of-Africas-past-in-a-post-colonial-context The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The 6th session will happen on Thursday, the 4th of April 2024, with Ana Maria Pessoa (ESE - IPS / IHC) as a guest speaker. She will talk about her ongoing research on Império no feminino: as mulheres na imprensa colonial. Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 We announce with deep gratitude to Pedro George that we are now offering access to the magazine Anticolonial. You may listen to the audio and know its context here.
From the event website:
Organized by Laetitia Zecchini (CNRS) at the University of Chicago Center in Paris, July 5-6, 2024. This conference addresses the relationship between print and legislation, censorship and copyright in postcolonial contexts. It aims to explore the role of colonial and postcolonial institutions, of the state and other gate-keepers in the regulation of print; the forms and practices of cultural regulation and censorship particular to certain postcolonial contexts; as well as the many alternative, informal or interstitial publishing networks, spaces and practices operating outside official (or monitored) circuits. More information here. The 22nd of March 2024
Online presentation of the International Group for Studies of the Colonial Periodical Press at the IRN-PPC International Research Network on Postcolonial Print Cultures bi-monthly seminar. More information soon! It was with great sadness that we received the news of the passing of Aida Freudenthal (1940-2024) on February 2. We cannot but thank her for the privilege of her friendship and the discreet and supportive way in which she accompanied GIEIPC-IP from the very beginning. She was the first researcher to donate us a bibliography, unpublished and published studies, and research materials, that will hopefully find a new home in a future documentation roomof the group. Born in Mozambique, Freudenthal participated in the Casa dos Estudantes do Império during her studies in Lisbon and lived in Angola, where she had the opportunity to participate in the educational reform after the country’s independence. In Portugal, she worked as a researcher at the IICT. As a historian, she stood out for her rigor, her synthetic writing style, and her complex point of view. She was the author of pioneering studies, published and unpublished, on the Portuguese and African press and anti-colonial resistance, among others.
The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The third session will happen on Thursday, the 22nd of February 2024, with Jessica Rosa (IFCH - UniCamp) as a guest speaker. She will talk about his ongoing research on A construção de uma identidade negra, africana, portuguesa e cidadã: a imprensa republicana de São Tomé e Príncipe (1911-1925). Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The third session will happen on Thursday, the 25th of January 2024, with Arnaldo Caliche as guest speaker. He will talk about his ongoing research on Samora Machel’s political rhetoric of legitimation: notes from photographic and audiovisual archive research. Here is the Zoom link to join the meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 Based on the results of the meetings that we had along 2023, Committees for Communication, Projects and Funding, Events, Journal, and Courses were created, reflecting our interest in developing actions that are transversal to the Group. Although they are still in the starting stage, those committees are creating their decentralized dynamics, and soon we’ll share news about events and specific actions to take. We want to remind you that any member of the IGSCP-PE can join the committees’ work, or make proposals, at any time. The more, the better! We want to especially point out the webinars that are going on this year, a very well-succeeded event, whose organization can be joined by any member of the Group.
We published on the website of the International Seminar Arquivo e Memória da Imprensa Cabo-Verdiana e Africana a Photo Gallery of the most significant moments of the event. Once again, we want to thank the staff of the Instituto do Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde for their wonderful photo shoot!
In the context of the 2º IGSCP-PE International Congress Liberalism and the Colonial Press, the Exhibition on the Colonial Press was held at the Faculdade de Letras Library gallery, Universidade de Lisboa, from the 21st of September to the 21st of October 2022. This display, produced in partnership with the FLUL library, exhibits sources and studies many of them difficult to access or mainly unknown to an audience of academics and other interested parties that reflect the diversity of perspectives mobilized by the colonial press, in this case, related to the Portuguese empire.
Based on the exhibition, we made a video now available on our website. The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The third session will happen on Thursday, the 14th of December 2023, with Aparajith Ramnath (Ahmedabad University) as guest speaker. He will talk about the IGSCP's book The Built Environment Through the Prism of the Colonial Press. Here is the link to the Zoom meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 You are very welcome to join the sessions! The CFP for the event Place and the periodical: an international conference on the regional magazine has just opened. The conference will be held at the University of Chester (UK) on the 25th and 26th of June 2024. The deadline for panel proposals or individual papers is on the 31st of January 2024. The CFP full text can be downloaded here.
The Instituto do Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde (IANCV) and the IGSCP-PE kindly invite you to attend the International Seminar Arquivo e Memória da Imprensa Cabo-Verdiana e Africana (Archive and Memories of the Cape Verdean and African periodical press) to be held at the IANCV (Praia, Cape Verde) on the 7th and 8th of December 2023. The hybrid event is promoted by the IANCV and the IGSCP-PE, and it has as institutional partners the CHAM - Centre for Humanities (FCSH-NOVA), CEComp - Centre for Comparative Studies (FLUL - ULisboa) and the Universidade de Cabo Verde. The seminar's website and the temporary program are already online! To attend online the event, please send an e-mail to [email protected] . We welcome everybody!
International Symposium Imprensa e Circulação de Ideias: o Jornal e o Jornalismo no século XIX7/11/2023 On the 29th and 30th of November 2023, the International Symposium Imprensa e Circulação de Ideias: o Jornal e o Jornalismo no Século XIX will be held at the Biblioteca Nacional. This is a venture of the Seminário Livre de História das Ideias (CHAM, FCSH, NOVA), promoted by Isabel Lustosa (CHAM/IGSCP-PE), while the IGSCP-PE participates in the event as a partner. We would like to especially draw your attention to the program of day 29 when members of the Group will coordinate a panel dedicated to the colonial press. Click here for the final program of the event.
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