We published on the website of the International Seminar Arquivo e Memória da Imprensa Cabo-Verdiana e Africana a Photo Gallery of the most significant moments of the event. Once again, we want to thank the staff of the Instituto do Arquivo Nacional de Cabo Verde for their wonderful photo shoot!
In the context of the 2º IGSCP-PE International Congress Liberalism and the Colonial Press, the Exhibition on the Colonial Press was held at the Faculdade de Letras Library gallery, Universidade de Lisboa, from the 21st of September to the 21st of October 2022. This display, produced in partnership with the FLUL library, exhibits sources and studies many of them difficult to access or mainly unknown to an audience of academics and other interested parties that reflect the diversity of perspectives mobilized by the colonial press, in this case, related to the Portuguese empire.
Based on the exhibition, we made a video now available on our website. The Webinar Cycle 2023/2024 aims to promote and debate the work of the IGSCP-PE's members. Sessions are held on Thursdays on a monthly basis and open to the general audience.
The third session will happen on Thursday, the 14th of December 2023, with Aparajith Ramnath (Ahmedabad University) as guest speaker. He will talk about the IGSCP's book The Built Environment Through the Prism of the Colonial Press. Here is the link to the Zoom meeting: https://videoconfcolibri.zoom.us/j/94937514310?pwd=L3l6WWdnZkZxU0liQytqSW9DYThIdz09 You are very welcome to join the sessions! The CFP for the event Place and the periodical: an international conference on the regional magazine has just opened. The conference will be held at the University of Chester (UK) on the 25th and 26th of June 2024. The deadline for panel proposals or individual papers is on the 31st of January 2024. The CFP full text can be downloaded here.
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December 2024
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