Sérgio Neto
Sérgio is an Assistant Researcher at Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) and he is also an invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. His main themes of study are: the colonial question in a comparative perspective; the history of the First World War and the First Portuguese Republic; the didactics of history, with the analysis of textbooks. He is the author of several books, articles and chapters, participating in colloquia and conferences in Portugal and abroad. He regularly organizes sessions in educational establishments and with civil society. He is one of the researchers who integrate the project 25 de Abril – Rumo ao cinquentenário developed in partnership by the PNA, CEIS20 and CIM-Coimbra.
Works in the field of the colonial press
(2022). Neto, Sérgio. "Africa in Jornal da Europa". In Machado, A. Vieira; Fonseca, I. Ataíde; Lobo, S.; Newman, R. Creating and Opposing Empire. The role of colonial periodical press. New York & London: Routledge.
(2016). Neto, Sérgio. Do Minho ao Mandovi. Um estudo sobre o pensamento colonial de Norton de Matos. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
(2009). Neto, Sérgio. Colónia Mártir. Colónia Modelo. Cabo Verde no pensamento ultramarino português. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Fields of interest
Colonialism; political and cultural history of Cape Verde; colonial literature; the First World War literature; the First Portuguese Republic literature; Portuguese colonial press.
Key words
Colonialism; Cape Verde; the First World War; literature; press.
Works in the field of the colonial press
(2022). Neto, Sérgio. "Africa in Jornal da Europa". In Machado, A. Vieira; Fonseca, I. Ataíde; Lobo, S.; Newman, R. Creating and Opposing Empire. The role of colonial periodical press. New York & London: Routledge.
(2016). Neto, Sérgio. Do Minho ao Mandovi. Um estudo sobre o pensamento colonial de Norton de Matos. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
(2009). Neto, Sérgio. Colónia Mártir. Colónia Modelo. Cabo Verde no pensamento ultramarino português. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra.
Fields of interest
Colonialism; political and cultural history of Cape Verde; colonial literature; the First World War literature; the First Portuguese Republic literature; Portuguese colonial press.
Key words
Colonialism; Cape Verde; the First World War; literature; press.