Maria de Lourdes Bravo da Costa
Maria de Lourdes Bravo da Costa has worked as an Assistant State Librarian (now retired) at Krishnada Shama State Central Library (Goa, India), and as a Reference Librarian specialized in Indo-Portuguese History, focusing on Goa. In 2017, she received the State Cultural Award by the State of Goa, and the Konkani Itihas Parishad in 2013, among others prizes. She published seven books and presented papers at national and international conferences, and many of them were published as proceedings. She's a member of the project Pensando Goa, (São Paulo University, Brazil) and a Corresponding Member of Institute Menezes Bragança (Goa). She also contributed to academic journals and various local periodicals and newspapers. Furthermore, she has the following degrees: Ph.D. in History (Goa University), being the title of her thesis Food History of Goa: researching its multifaceted aspects from 1900-1961; Master's in History (University of Bombay); Master's in Library and Information Science (Indira Gandhi Open University, New Delhi); Bachelor in Science (University of Bombay); Bachelor in Library and Information Science (S.N.D. Thackersey University, Bombay); Curso de Língua e Cultura Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Nível Superior, Universidade de Coimbra).
Works in the field of the colonial press
(2023). Costa, Maria de Lourdes Bravo da. “Negotiating Economic Blockade. Consumption of Goan classes and masses as portrayed in local press of the 1950s”. In Lobo, Sandra Ataíde; Falconi, Jessica; Dias, Remy; Smith, D.A. (eds). The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions. New York & London: Routledge, 364-393.
Fields of interest
Social history of Goa, emphasis on Food History and the XX century; political history; Portuguese colonial history.
Key words
Rice cultivation; comunidades; The Sign of Wrath by Orlando da Costa; food and memory; feasts and festivals; alcoholism; Economic Blockade; traditions and customs.
Works in the field of the colonial press
(2023). Costa, Maria de Lourdes Bravo da. “Negotiating Economic Blockade. Consumption of Goan classes and masses as portrayed in local press of the 1950s”. In Lobo, Sandra Ataíde; Falconi, Jessica; Dias, Remy; Smith, D.A. (eds). The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions. New York & London: Routledge, 364-393.
Fields of interest
Social history of Goa, emphasis on Food History and the XX century; political history; Portuguese colonial history.
Key words
Rice cultivation; comunidades; The Sign of Wrath by Orlando da Costa; food and memory; feasts and festivals; alcoholism; Economic Blockade; traditions and customs.