Lúcio Sousa
Auxiliar Professor at the Departamento de Ciências Sociais e de Gestão of Universidade Aberta (UAb). Integrated Researcher at the Instituto de Estudos de Literatura e Tradição (IELT-FCSH-UNL) and Associated Researcher at the Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS), York University - Toronto. He carries a PhD in Social Anthropology from UAb (2010). His thesis is a work on the ritual practice and the social organization of a Bunak community in the region of Bobonaro in East Timor. His research on East Timor focuses on sacred houses, ritual practices and citizenship, colonial ethnography, colonial press, and politics of culture. Since 2011, he has lectured and researched on forced migrations and refugees – an issue also explored in his master’s dissertation (1999).
Works in the field of the colonial press
A guide of the colonial press in East Timor (1900-2002), a non-funded project co-run with Vicente Paulino (UNTL). The project aims to map the colonial press in East Timor throughout three periods: the Portuguese colonization (1900-1975), the Indonesian colonization (1976-1999), and the transition of powers to the Timorese authorities under the supervision of the United Nations (1999-2002). Expected results: a scientific paper to be published in a journal and a book to be published by the Centro de Estudos de Cultura e Artes (UNTL).
(2023). Sousa, Lúcio. "The Insurrect Native in Portuguese Timor: the Rebellion of Manufahi in the Australian Press". In Lobo, Sandra Ataíde; Falconi, Jessica; Dias, Remy; Smith, D.A. (eds). The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions. New York & London: Routledge, 324-341.
(2016). Sousa, Lúcio "A Revolta de Manufahi de 1911-1912. Testemunhos e a imprensa diária da época". In Feijó, R. (ed.) Timor-Leste Colonialismo, Descolonização, Lusotopia. Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento, 93-117.
(2018). Sousa, Lúcio. "A 'Grande revolta' de Manufahi na revista Ilustração Portuguesa. In Paulino, V. (ed.) Somos arquivos da memória. Reflexões históricas e sócio-antropológicas sobre Timor-Leste. Díli: Unidade de Produção e Disseminação do Conhecimento. Programa de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa da UNTL, 133-152.
Fields of interest
Colonial press in “Portuguese Timor”; colonial press literacy; apropriation and participation of local agents in the colonial press (metropolitan agents, native elites, and other communities).
Key words
Colonial press; East Timor.
Works in the field of the colonial press
A guide of the colonial press in East Timor (1900-2002), a non-funded project co-run with Vicente Paulino (UNTL). The project aims to map the colonial press in East Timor throughout three periods: the Portuguese colonization (1900-1975), the Indonesian colonization (1976-1999), and the transition of powers to the Timorese authorities under the supervision of the United Nations (1999-2002). Expected results: a scientific paper to be published in a journal and a book to be published by the Centro de Estudos de Cultura e Artes (UNTL).
(2023). Sousa, Lúcio. "The Insurrect Native in Portuguese Timor: the Rebellion of Manufahi in the Australian Press". In Lobo, Sandra Ataíde; Falconi, Jessica; Dias, Remy; Smith, D.A. (eds). The Colonial Periodical Press in the Indian and Pacific Ocean Regions. New York & London: Routledge, 324-341.
(2016). Sousa, Lúcio "A Revolta de Manufahi de 1911-1912. Testemunhos e a imprensa diária da época". In Feijó, R. (ed.) Timor-Leste Colonialismo, Descolonização, Lusotopia. Lisboa: Edições Afrontamento, 93-117.
(2018). Sousa, Lúcio. "A 'Grande revolta' de Manufahi na revista Ilustração Portuguesa. In Paulino, V. (ed.) Somos arquivos da memória. Reflexões históricas e sócio-antropológicas sobre Timor-Leste. Díli: Unidade de Produção e Disseminação do Conhecimento. Programa de Pós-graduação e Pesquisa da UNTL, 133-152.
Fields of interest
Colonial press in “Portuguese Timor”; colonial press literacy; apropriation and participation of local agents in the colonial press (metropolitan agents, native elites, and other communities).
Key words
Colonial press; East Timor.