Fátima Mendonça
Fatima Mendonça is a professor (retired) at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. From 2007 to 2022, she was an integrated researcher at CLEPUL (Universidade de Lisboa). From 1977 to 2010, she lectured in different disciplines, such as Mozambican Literature, Comparative Literature, Comparative African Literatures, Southern African Literature, Literature and Arts, History of Literary Criticism, Rhetoric, and Poetics. She worked as an Invited Professor at different African, Brazilian, and European universities, and she participated in the boards of many national and international prize competitions, like the Prize José Craveirinha, Prize PALOP, Zimbabwe International Book Fair, Prize Oceanos. She is an effective member of the Associação dos Escritores Moçambicanos (AEMO), the International Comparative Literature Association (ICLA), the Modern Languages Association (MLA), and the Association pour l’Étude des Litératures Africaines (APELA). In 2007, she was awarded the Diploma de Mérito of AEMO, and in 2016 the Prize José Craveirinha for her literary career.
Works in the field of the colonial press
In the wake of a project started with César Braga-Pinto (Northwestern University Chicago) and funded by FCT, which resulted in the publication of a collection of chronicles authored by João Albasini (2014), she aims to study João Albasini’s chronicles written under pseudonyms/heteronyms (1908/1922), as well as the chronicles published by the journalist Estácio Dias in the newspapers O Africano (1908/1918) and O Brado Africano (1918/1974).
(2014). Mendonça, Fátima. "Pelos trilhos biográficos e poéticos de José Craveirinha". In Xavier, L. Geraldes (org.) Ecos de Moçambique - cem anos de José Craveirinha. [s/l]: Blucher, 41-68.
(2014), Mendonça, Fátima; Braga, C. Pinto. João Albasini e as luzes de Nwandzengele. Jornalismo e política em Moçambique -1908/1922. Maputo: Alcance.
(2012). Mendonça, Fátima "Imprensa e circulação de ideias em Moçambique´´. In Castelo, C. et all (org). Os outros da colonização. Lisboa: ICS.
Fields of interest
Comparative literature; literatures of East Africa; literary history of Mozambique; press and literature; African literate elites.
Key words
Mozambican literature; Mozambican press; colonial press.
Works in the field of the colonial press
In the wake of a project started with César Braga-Pinto (Northwestern University Chicago) and funded by FCT, which resulted in the publication of a collection of chronicles authored by João Albasini (2014), she aims to study João Albasini’s chronicles written under pseudonyms/heteronyms (1908/1922), as well as the chronicles published by the journalist Estácio Dias in the newspapers O Africano (1908/1918) and O Brado Africano (1918/1974).
(2014). Mendonça, Fátima. "Pelos trilhos biográficos e poéticos de José Craveirinha". In Xavier, L. Geraldes (org.) Ecos de Moçambique - cem anos de José Craveirinha. [s/l]: Blucher, 41-68.
(2014), Mendonça, Fátima; Braga, C. Pinto. João Albasini e as luzes de Nwandzengele. Jornalismo e política em Moçambique -1908/1922. Maputo: Alcance.
(2012). Mendonça, Fátima "Imprensa e circulação de ideias em Moçambique´´. In Castelo, C. et all (org). Os outros da colonização. Lisboa: ICS.
Fields of interest
Comparative literature; literatures of East Africa; literary history of Mozambique; press and literature; African literate elites.
Key words
Mozambican literature; Mozambican press; colonial press.