Alda Romão Saúte Saíde
Full Professor at the Pedagogic University (Maputo, Mozambique), she holds a PhD in African History from the University of Minnesota, USA. Saíde has taught at Pedagogic University for over 26 years, where she is training undergraduate and graduate students in African History. She published 2 books on the history of education, Christian missions and colonialism (2004 and 2005), two books as co-author O Reassentamento Populacional, Governação Autárquica, Trabalho Migratório (2012) and Guerrilla Radios in Southern Africa (2020), and several articles. Her major research has focused on Southern Africa, looking at governance, migration, education, liberation struggles, and gender.
Works in the field of the colonial press
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Works in the field of the colonial press
Fields of interest
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